Our first step is to gain a thorough understanding of each client's circumstances. Based on this knowledge, we tailor an individualized investment program and build a portfolio consisting of an appropriate mix of cash, bonds, common stocks, mutual funds and real estate. Client portfolios are reviewed frequently and adjustments suggested as needed. We are available by telephone, email and for meetings so that we may respond to changes in the financial environment and a client's personal circumstances.
Fixed Income Investing Bonds are held in client portfolios to provide a stable source of income and to reduce the overall price volatility in an account. We purchase bonds that have no known financial risk such as U.S. Treasury and Agency securities. Tax-exempt bonds and corporate bonds of investment grade are also evaluated for their after-tax yield.
Equity Investing Our investment focus is on high-quality companies with proven management teams and long-term records of enhancing shareholder value. We seek businesses that have a demonstrated competitive advantage and buy them at attractive valuations. While the core of a portfolio may be comprised of “blue-chip” common stocks, we believe in the benefits of diversification and will selectively include value situations, turnarounds and smaller companies. A typical portfolio would include the common stocks of 20 to 35 companies in a diversified mix of industries.
Resource for Clients We offer ourselves as an objective resource for financial matters calling for analysis and review. We work with your trusted legal and tax advisors to provide coordinated solutions. By maintaining close relationships with the best in the fields of taxation, estate planning, mortgages, insurance, charitable contributions and family giving, we are able to orchestrate a comprehensive response to all of your financial requirements.
Other Resources CFA Institute provides useful resources for investors. Click on the link below to leave our website and go directly to a page on the CFA Institute website:
CFA Investor Tools
The North American Securities Administrators Association also provides an investor education library. The link below will direct you away from our website:
NASAA Investor Library
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